
Mamaya Frist show in BaoAn

This is Le Telee Baleet Africa first time have a party in BaoAn outside, althought this time didn't have many group join us but we have small of creative market and proforming on the gress...It's lucky that the weather is nice but after, many people say BaoAn is so beautiful, I believe will have more and more people know this place ,know here have african drumming and dancing..

Mamaya is my group in Taipei, this time with the dancers in Tainan and this is their first time to proform and they just learn few classes....(clap clap clap)~~~

I don't have the video but you can check in facebook....
http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=1599398669205#!/video/video.php?v=1599398669205&ref=mf This

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