
Dance Power 2013 T.C.S.B on 3/29

I'm planning to leave Taipei next year but still have few project to do....

It's honor that participate the opening performance with Taipei Civic Symphonic Band on 29th March, 2013 at ZhongShan Hall.   http://w2.csh.taipei.gov.tw/03history.asp..... including Tango, Tap dance and Flamenco. TCSB is attentive to the audience, hope can give all the fans more colorful music and vision.

this is news on 12/20, looking forward all of your coming!!!!

Ticket go for: http://www.artsticket.com.tw/CKSCC2005/Product/Product00/ProductsDetailsPage.aspx?ProductID=oK4bYlG1GfwgdgIpiqAU0g

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